Welcome to the Chopwell Regeneration Group Website

Proud of our past, working together,

improving our future.

This is the website for Chopwell Regeneration Group, a registered charity, formed by residents who want to make Chopwell an even better place to live.

The Regeneration Group want to encourage as many residents of Chopwell to get involved in improving our village. In this website we share information about Chopwell’s history, news and events and we hope to inspire you to get involved in changing the future of our village.

This website is for  people who live here, people that visit and people that have moved away but want to keep in touch. Throughout the site you will find articles on the history and background of Chopwell, details of businesses and local organisations, regular activities, upcoming events, latest news including the Chopwell Regeneration Group newsletter and photos of our beautiful village.

Your donations mean… 

  • we can offer more training for local people
  • we can keep our community fridge & freezer stocked to reduce food inequality and food waste
  • we can offer free meals & hot drinks for those who need them
  • we can keep running affordable events for the community
  • and running amazing programmes for kids such as our award-winning Code & Create club




£2.50 – pays for a Pay-It-Forward hot drink in our cafe
£3.00 – pays for a Pay-It-Forward hot meal in our cafe 
£2.00 – pays for someone to use the community market

£15.00 – helps us to stock the community market for one week, which serves 30 families a week

£30.00 – lets us subsidise the cost of our restaurant nights to make them accessible for all 

£50.00 – enables us to help put someone experiencing long-term unemployment through an 8-week training programme (inc. Level 2 Food Hygiene, CV workshop, Interview Practice & Practical Experience) 

£100.00 – enables us to run a free workshop series for the local community where people can learn new skills, meet new people and have fun

What’s on…

Would you like to get involved?

Please keep sharing your ideas about what you would like to see change in Chopwell for the better.

  • What can we do for kids, teenagers, young people, unemployed people, older people?
  • Can we do anything to make the residential areas better?
  • What about shops and businesses?
  • What about housing, empty buildings?
  • What ideas do people have for derelict areas of land/waste ground?
  • What would you like to see?
  • Would you like more activities – art, fitness, adult education?
  • How do you think the main areas of Chopwell could be brightened up or improved?
  • Should we do more to make sure the past isn’t forgotten?

There are lots of charities and organisations that we can apply to for grants for all sorts of things to try and bring your ideas to life so please do share them. Please either post here or email your ideas to team@chopwell.org and then we can perhaps talk about them and see if people agree they are good ideas and, if so, whether we might be able to apply for some money to make them happen. No promises but always worth a try and we have a lot of good people in Chopwell who can help give us the best chance of success.

The website has been designed, created and written by residents who are all volunteers.  If you have any news, events, photographs or ideas you think might be of interest to include please do get in touch by email to team@chopwell.org.

If you are an organisation in Chopwell who would like to be mentioned on the website please email us at team@chopwell.org with a brief description, your contact details and a link to your website or facebook page.

Finally if you are interested in finding out more about Chopwell Regeneration Group, and perhaps joining, you can find more information here: